Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sport with Sioase

We had our first sports session this week with Sioase. We are focusing on catching and throwing this term. We started with a game of T-Ball. What a tight game. We are looking forward to next week.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Me Trees!

We have been working hard to complete our Me Trees. Firstly we dyed the background then we drew around our hand and arm and painted it black for the tree. We then used coloured paper to cut our pictures of things that we really liked. Here are our Me Trees.

PB4L Week!

This week we have been learning lots about our PRIDE values and our behaviour matrix ready for the PB4L launch at our school on Friday.

Passion is being a good role model and striving for excellence. In room 2 we made Y charts about what it looks like, feels like and sounds like being a role model.

Respect is caring for our selves and the environment.  In room 8 we learnt that respect is being kind. First we drew a picture and then wrote what we thought respect is then we wrote what respect meant

Integrity: In room 7 we wrote about integrity. We watched a video clip where the side door on a truck opened and then a car with two men in it helps by closing it.  We drew a bottle of soda each to fill our truck with a label telling you one way to show integrity.

Diversity is welcoming people that are new and celebrate people’s differences. We worked together with a buddy completing a venn diagram and then made a cardboard person that looks like our selves.

Empathy is being kind to others and helping people who are in need. We made posters and we had fun doing role plays about showing empathy.

Conflict styles: In room 6 we learnt about rewards and punishments.  First we write what were our rewards and punishments then we had to decide and draw what animal we took after when dealing with conflict. Were we a fox, owl, sharks, turtle or a teddy bear?

Written by Baden, Joe, Dominic

Our Postcards!